As you probably know, the No Meat Athlete book came out this month and I’m very excited to be a co-author. I’m especially happy right now to announce that I am jumping on some of the book tour with Matt! I’ll be doing the Southern California, Arizona and Austin events.
November 1 — San Diego, CA | Movin’ Shoes (Pacific Beach location) — Get Updates
November 3 — Los Angeles, CA | Vegan Book Fair at Animal Advocacy Museum, presented by Compassion Over Killing — Get Updates
November 5 — Phoenix, AZ | 24 Carrots – Get Updates and Tickets
November 6 — Scottsdale, AZ | Nourish Cafe – Get Updates
November 7 — Tucson, AZ | Morning Blend show followed by run/event presented by Healthy You Network (details to come)
November 9 — Austin, TX | Bearded Bros. – Get Updates
If you live in one of these areas, I’d love to see you at an event. Have an omnivorous friend who is interested in vegetarianism? Bring them along. And as time allows, I can schedule private consultations in these cities if you are interested in working with me one on one.
Also, I’m taking recommendations for your favorite places to eat and drink coffee in these cities!
For those in the Los Angeles area I encourage you to join me before Sunday’s event at Dan Koeppel’s staircase walk. Dan created the Big Parade which is a yearly walk of over 100 staircases in Los Angeles (my photos and story) and leads regular walks that will no doubt show you parts of LA you didn’t know exist. Sunday’s walk focuses on the Hyperion-Glendale Bridge because the city is planning on ‘improving it’ with wider lanes, freeway dividers and 55 MPH speeds with little concern for cyclists and pedestrians. Right in between the very walkable and bikeable Silver Lake and Atwater neighborhoods!
Lastly, if you are in Northern California the No Meat Athlete San Francisco event with Leo Babauta from Zen Habits looks very cool. Which reminds me: If you haven’t seen it please check out Leo’s 7-Day Vegan Challenge and share it widely.
Thanks for reading and I hope to see you on the road!
I’m stoked to see Matt in Scottsdale!
If you come up to Ontario, Canada, I’d love to see your tour! Please consider your friends up North
I love Canada and I’d love to come up there for an event, some day! Thanks for reading and maybe some day…