Scott Jurek

In case you have not seen it, ‘the Times’ has an article up about vegan ultra-runner Scott Jurek called, Diet and Exercise to the Extremes.

I met Scott Jurek in 2006 when I was helping at the 135-mile Badwater Ultramarathon, which he won. A super nice guy, I chatted with him and his crew about his vegan diet and his training. I wanted to get an interview, but it just didn’t work out.

The article mentions the 24 hour championships in France and I’ve found the live feed showing results. Looks to finish up at 1am, California time. Running in circles sounds absolutely miserable to me, but I imagine it is meditative in its repetitiveness. And it’s not like he only does these races; quite the opposite. The Western States 100 and other 100 milers are trail runs, getting out in nature way more than most runners ever do.

In this terrific ESPN article he says, in regards to coming across a bear during a race,

“That was scary, but it’s also part of why I prefer trail running…nature reminds us that there’s a greater force out there, and you have to respect that. It makes you feel pretty small.”

Awesome. I agree.

the future

Yo! Wow. Epic month. You’d think that the more epic = more posts, but unfortunately often that’s not the case.
We’ve had parties, picnics, races, travels and other stuff I can’t remember. The best stuff often doesn’t make it to my blog, like my New Zealand trip and riding the Great Divide. So while I sort these old events, here are some events in the future.

Bake Me Up! vegan bake sale in Echo Park at Mooi Foods from 11-5. This is a benefit for PAWS LA and Kitten Rescue. Other vegan events on

My friend Deanna Adams is racing the inaugural Arizona Trail 750, which starts today at the Mexico/US border. It’s self-support style like the 2700 mile Tour Divide race along the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route from Banff to Mexico. What does this mean? No entry fee, no support, no checkpoints. Very awesome. The first part is along the Arizona Trail 300 which has been raced the last few years. The AZTR 750 requires a 22-mile bike portage through the Grand Canyon. Seriously. No bikes allowed. No rolling, pushing, pulling. It must be dismantled and carried on one’s back. Sound miserable? I wish I was racing. I’d love to be out there on this epic journey of desert, mountains, heat, snow, pedaling, hiking….gawd. Beautiful way to spend one’s days. Anyhow, you can follow Deanna’s progress here: Oh yeah, she’s on a fixed gear.

Lastly, the Swarm! twitter is active. Great links related to veganism, bikes, racing, streets, the environment, etc posted throughout the day. Check it out.

Bike Night at the Hammer April 8

My good friend Lisa, with whom I share a love for bikes, vegan food and mayhem, not to mention a willingness to wait over an hour for two tacos, has made Bike Night at the Hammer happen for the second year in a row. Last year Breaking Away on the big screen was fantastic and I’m sure Pee Wee’s Big Adventure will be just as fun. All of this at a freakin museum.

I helped create the menu for the vegan dinner, too. What more could you ask for? Oh yeah, bike valet and it’s all free.
Keep your eyes on for group rides to the museum.

Stuff I Eat

Vegan spot in Inglewood. And that's really the name. This is a
quesadilla. So so delicious. Almost (almost) more food than I could
eat after a Black Eyed Pea soup and cornbread.
Check it out.
Unrelated: did a sweet 100 miles today. Felt like the first non-winter
ride of the year. So stoked.

Vegan bake sales

I love the way this photo turned out with all those skulls leaping out of the basket. Yes, those are deep fried cupcakes, no I didn’t eat one (ate plenty of other stuff though). Was part of the vegan bake sale for Haiti event happening in multiple cities today organized via Post Punk Kitchen:

This was at Locali.

[updated] More food porn here

Swarm! events for 2010 is down (as is the Bikerowave site) because the server was hacked, but I didn’t want to wait to get these dates out. I’ll have more specifics for each event up soon. Photos and details of previous years via links.

Feel My Legs, I’m a Racer hill race (5th year anniversary!) Sunday March 28th, 8am
Meet at Silver Lake Farmers Market at Sunset Blvd / Griffith Park Ave
Background (from 2009)
Previous year write-ups:

Thus Climbed Zarathustra, CycloCat AlleyCross race, Sunday March 21, 1pm (exact time may change)
Silver Lake Dog Park

Crucial Vegan Friendship Picnic 2, Sunday March 28th, 1pm
Elysian Park. Exact location tbd.
Info from 2009