Though you wouldn’t know it here in chilly, rainy Los Angeles, Spring has arrived. This is very exciting but also makes me a little anxious! I’ve a pretty even split in my lifestyle between working hard in the winter- working as in someone giving me money in exchange for my time and energy- and working on fun in the summer. Fall and Spring make me anxious because I’m still doing one while fretting about the other! Can you say #firstworldproblems? When I was 16 and had the brilliant idea to quit my Subway job and pay an even younger kid in the neighborhood to do my paper route for the summer while I traveled the country to ride BMX. Unbeknownst that 16 years later I’d have the same philosophy.
So. I’ve been working a lot. Still traveling a lot when I can. And most importantly getting ready for some big adventures. One is sooner than I’d like it to be, but such is life. What is it? A long post on that very soon. Let’s just say that I’ve had to purchase a GPS device, new lighting systems and lightweight camp gear. For now, here’s some links that I’ve come across while working. Enjoy. Have an awesome first full weekend of Spring!
–Praise the Lard? Recent research shows that going to church events increases one’s risk of obesity.
–A New Model Streets Manual to Rewrite Los Angeles’ “DNA” A public health oriented approach to streets and urban design. Streets are for people!
–Why Angelenos Should Take the Bus More Often
–UN Says Eat Less Meat to Curb Global Warming An oldie but goody. You see this, environmentalists?
–Climate Chief Lord Stern: Give Up Meat to Save the Planet Same.
–The Los Angeles Bicycle Kitchen has a new website
-Everyone should be following the Middle Eastern uprising on Al Jazeera
–My friend Aidan made it 1100 miles to Nome in 17 days, 9 hours and 15 minutes in the Alaska Iditarod Invitational which was good enough for 2nd place and 1st (ever!) single speed.
Please tell me this GPS, lightweight gear, and new lighting set up = Ride the Divide
Close! That is on the radar but it’s not until June.