When I was in Philadelphia early this summer I hung out with my college friend, Tara. Tara is a school teacher and I happen to get to her house, which she awesomely opened up to me for the entire weekend, the first night of her summer vacation. We were leaving to go to some fixed/urban/cycling thing and she grabbed her camera on the way out. On the ride over there she told me how she received a picture frame with space for three photos as a gift and her plan was to have it filled with the three photos that best represented her 2010 Summer. She kept saying, ‘Will I get one of those photos tonight?’ as she snapped away. I thought this was a great idea and since I often take photos wherever I am I had the idea of making it a city project. Three photos from my experience when I’m in a city. I go to Portland and SF often, but each set of three will be specific to that time. You can be assured it will include food and bikes! But also other funny/interesting/odd stuff I find along the way.
Here’s the first set, from my first trip to the Bay Area this summer.
Ate dinner at Manzanita which I mentioned previously cause a friend called it ‘Food Not Bombs food for $20.’ It’s one of those stuck in the 70’s vegetarian restaurants that’s super simple: grain, bean, vegetables, salad. It has that weird new-age/hippy/buddhist vibe strong. But I like food like this. When I saw this sign, I thought, “Really? ‘Love’? That’s the best you can do? Of course the ‘mindful word of the day’ is love!!” I wonder how many times it has been. Just seems so obvious.