Cheap. Timely. Convenient. Pick two.

Some person in the bike industry once said, ‘Light, strong, cheap, pick two.’ and I’ve found it be accurate most of the time. Does it have application outside of bike parts? I think so. As I plan my five weeks in Europe, 7 years after I first went, I am finding myself trying to force convenience without comprising time and expense. While this time I probably will not be sleeping under skateboard ramps or in the scaffoldings of buildings, I still do not want to drop a grip of money I don’t have for comfort. Where is that balance? Is comfort the fourth variable? Do I get to pick three then or still only two? Last summer’s trip, which was 4 weeks on the Great Divide cost Steevo and I fraction of what most people probably spend (our total costs for lodging was $14. Combined.).
Double centuries after sleeping under a park bench, cool. But a full-iron triathlon? Probably not a good idea. What would the 17-year old me do?

6 thoughts on “Cheap. Timely. Convenient. Pick two.

  1. I recommend you not wear the shirt you wore for the iron-man for the rest of your journey. And if you do, don’t continue to wear it once you get back to PA, especially not if we’re going to go visit Fillebrown.;)

  2. I think the 17 year old you would stay at a friend’s place, and save the whole expense, but with all the comfort. Just an idea.

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