Here we go with some numbers.
Time gone from LA: 75 days
Miles on bike: 2150
Miles ridden while bike touring (fully loaded with gear): 1661 (500 in Alaska in 10 days, and 1161 Vancouver to San Francisco in 19 days)
Times paid to camp/sleep: 11
Total spent on camp/sleep: $45
Oddest place camped: A pumpkin patch in Garberville, Ca
Coldest nights: Denali National Park, (single digits) and Nora/Themba’s house without heat in Olympia (low 30’s)
Longest consecutive time in sleeping bag: 14 hours (On the Sunday night after two days of straight rain)
Time spent on internet while away: Unfathomable
Longest time alone straight: 13 days
Longest period w/o being inside a motor vehicle: 21 days
Estimated weight of bike plus trailer plus gear and food: 100 pounds
Packages of little debbie donuts and peanut chews consumed: Unconceivable
Top 3 camp stove meals: 1. Ramen noodles with tofu, broccoli and peanut sauce 2. Rehydrated beans and rice w/ tortillas 3. Pasta with olive oil and nutritional yeast
Flat tires: 1 (seriously, only one fucking flat tire in 2100 miles!)
Broken/worn out parts: 1 chain, 1 seat bag, 1 spoke, 1 gear (broke two teeth riding at a skate park in Alaska)
Major mechanical problems: Twice my rear axle came loose and separated from the frame.
Total money spent on transporting bicycle on 4 flights: 0
Money spent on mailing things to/from myself: $55
Total sets of non-riding clothing: 1 (1 shirt, 1 pants, 1 fleece)
Number of new warrantied frames waiting for me when I returned: 1 (!)
So that’s it for this trip. Send me an email, leave a comment. Peace for now, see you in real life.