Where have I been? Most of my energy these days goes to Nutrinic and some writing for publications, including Today’s Dietitian. Did you see my article on counseling vegan clients?
Also, I recently spoke at the excellent International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition (here’s a nice summary, I’m quoted) at Loma Linda University, my 4th time attending. When an event is only every 5 years that makes you feel old! I was invited to speak for the first time, which was an incredible honor. It also reminded me to share my upcoming talks.
Most of these are part of larger events therefore have a cost associated (sorry!). If you can’t make any, please pass them on to potentially interested parties. The power of sharing events with your friends and colleagues cannot be understated. Nor can my appreciation for helping out.
14 April | Los Angeles, CA
The Los Angeles District (LAD) of the California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics presents, One Size Does Not Fit All: Promoting Diverse Perspectives in Dietetics. I’ll be presenting, “The Case for Plant-Based.” The sports talk before me focuses on protein, presumably animal protein, so I’m guessing this might be a bit of a debate? I’m looking forward to it! It’s at Children’s Hospital on Sunset Blvd, meaning I can walk there from my apartment, which is the best.
26 April | Rochester, NY
I’m honored to give a talk on sports nutrition as part of the Lifestyle as Medicine Lecture Series at the Rochester Academy of Medicine. In or near Rochester? I’d love if you could make this. More information and registration here.
27 April | Syracuse, NY
Not sure what exactly this will entail, beyond a sports nutrition talk, but I’m teaming up with Joel from Strong Hearts Cafe, the force behind the Strong Hearts Vegan Power running team. Mid-90’s bands from Syracuse were a huge influence on my adoption of veganism, and I haven’t been back in two decades, so I’m really looking forward to this. Most likely free or very low-cost.
07 May | Tarzana, CA (this is postponed, stay tuned for the new day and time)
My friend and colleague Dr. Health Shenkman opened her own practice and is putting on Heart U – Classes to Empower YOU for Optimal Cardiac Wellness. You may remember Heather from our Strong Hearts episode. I’m speaking on how to overcome the barriers you may face when switching to a plant-based diet. Each session is $30, or all 8 for $150. Space is extremely limited, so if this interests you please sign up soon. Also check out her new book.
19-21 May | Raleigh, NC
The 5th annual Plant-based Prevention Of Disease national conference returns to Raleigh and it’s going to be the best conference yet. As you probably know I’m a board member and put a lot of work into making this conference evidence-based and affordable. It’s truly a one-of-a-kind event. If you haven’t been, join us this year! There’s even walkable campus housing so no need for a rental car. We save you money every step of the way! I’m giving the opening address on why, now more than ever, we need to focus on plant foods in healthcare.
15 Sept | Modesto, CA
This isn’t finalized yet, but if you are an early planner, I’m working with the Sutter Health Memorial Medical Center to give the main presentation at this year’s Harvest of Hope. I’ll be tying in local farming with nutrition and the benefits of eating plant foods, and without powerpoint! This will put my story telling to the test, which is an exciting challenge. At least I have time to prepare. Will share details when I have them.
Are you part of an organization that puts on events or needs speakers? Let them know I’m available. That’s the most common way I get invited, so please don’t underestimate the power of your suggestion.
Since I post here so infrequently, these are the best ways to stay in touch: newsletter | twitter | instagram.
Thanks for reading!