I often express how fortunate I am. I’ve good health and the time and energy to make use of it. But sometimes I feel extra fortunate. Like ‘I can’t believe I get to do the things I do!’ fortunate. Sasha Perry, my partner for the Day in the Life project, Megan Dean, close friend and builder of Moth Attack! Bikes and I recently went to Colorado to film for Day in the Life and it ruled beyond belief.

I knew we’d meet phenomenal vegan athletes. I also knew it would be beautiful, as I’ve been there before. But for this trip Colorado really pulled out all of the stops! Every where we turned were people stoked to meet us and hang out. We worked full days most days, and then hung out hard with the people we had worked with. Could not have asked for anything better. A few people need to be thanked:
Handlebar Mustache for putting us up and letting us cuddle their five dogs
Ritual Chocolate for giving us a tour of their vegan chocolate factory
Girl Bike Love for the hangouts
Boulder Indoor Velodrome for letting us film and ride every where
Nederland Mountain People’s Co-op for having the biggest AND best vegan blueberry muffins ever
Chris for filming (who also just had a Kickstarter reach full funding!)
Eric at Ground Up Custom Bicycles for building a pump track, a dizzy drome, rad bikes to play on AND being so stoked on me riding them.
And finally we need to thank all of the individual athletes who let us invade their life for a day, or sometimes longer. I promised Sasha I wouldn’t give too much away so I can’t actually thank the athletes by name! You’ll see before too long, I promise.
Meanwhile, enjoy a few videos of me riding during our down time!