After two weeks in Norway, I have to say it was a fantastic country to visit. The people are rather reserved, Max and I initially called it indiferent, but after some interaction are very friendly. The country is beautiful, both rural and urban. After being in Dublin and London, I have more respect for what Oslo has to offer. Good times.
As far as the race, I am not ashamed to admit that I was in over my head. Good lesson to learn now and not on the summit of some 20,000 foot peak. Great experience and a great way to progress, mentally and physically. Am considering next year, but not sure if it can happen. The biggest concern being financial. Would be nice to get another full-iron race in before then, but not sure the feasibiity of that. Am currently on the south coast of England, after some time in Ireland and London. Will try to post some stories and/or photos.